Enhanced Master Pilot Relationship

Held in: Lagos, Nigeria & Houston, Texas, USA.

Many shipping companies already train senior officers   in   bridge   teamwork   and   resource management.   Increasingly,   pilotage authories   are   doing   the   same ,   as recommended by IMO resolution A960.

At   PEM  Offshore  Simulation  And  Innovation Center, we believe the added value of combined training has largely been overlooked.

Our course directly addresses the crucial relationship   between the Master and Pilot by promoting   a peer group atmosphere and applying ‘real life context’ to each training module.      These unique features allow delegates to develop a greater understanding of the issues surrounding the Master/Pilot exchange and will provide a significant step towards the reduction of maritime incidents.

The Enhanced Master/Pilot Relationship course has been recognized by our industry:


To enhance the effectiveness of the Master Pilot relationship

  • To promote excellence in Bridge
  • Team best practice
  • Provide Pilot’s perspective of the Bridge Team
  • Improve e-arrival procedures
  • Enhance Bridge Team interaction
  • Discuss role of the Master and Pilot
  • Emphasize passage plan requirements and the need for effective monitoring
  • Highlight the importance situational awareness
  • Identify weak links with the aid of case studies
  • Build on current resource management practices through joint training

Course Duration – 3 days

Course Duration

3 days.

Number of Participants

Maximum 20 participants.

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