Effective SMS Implementation: DPA Requirements

Held in: Lagos, Nigeria


The ISM Code recommends that each company assign a Designated Person Ashore (DPA) and DPA Assistant to monitor the safety and pollution prevention aspects of the operation of each ship so that adequate resources and shore-based support are applied as required.  This course is intended to provide participants with an understanding of the authority and liability issues of the DPA role. Particular attention is given to the safety management system, planned maintenance system, vessel response plan and the US VGP (where  trading to the US is contemplated).  Reference is made to current IMO regulations with a focus on systems, plans and future trends. A number

of case studies are provided including examples of practical approaches for avoiding undesirable outcomes.


  • DPA’s authority and liability
  • ISM Code review
  • Safety management system (SMS)
  • Carriage of goods by sea
  • Vessel equipment standards
  • SMS audit findings
  • Legal implications of the ISM Code
  • Planned maintenance system (PMS)
  • Vessel response plan (VRP)
  • Vessel general permit (VGP)

DURATION: 2 days

Course Duration

2 days.

Number of Participants

Maximum 20 participants.

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