Orientation to In Service Classification and Statutory Surveys
Held in: Lagos, Nigeria
Course Objectives and Benefits
The classification process and its interrelationship with international and flag regulations is not always well understood. This course, specifically structured for those in a supervisory role within a shipowning, operating ormanagement company, is intended to provide participantswith an insight into the evolution of classification and statutory requirements with particular emphasis on in-service surveys.
Course Highlights
What is classification?
Scope of classification surveys:
The role of the surveyor
Class surveys
Surveys during construction
Damage surveys
Transfer of class
Surveys during sale of vessel
Equipment certification
Cargo gear surveys
Dual/double class
Relationship between classification and statutory surveys
Statutory surveys
Delegation of authority by flag Administrations
Status of the surveyor during statutory surveys
Load Line surveys
Safety construction, safety equipment, safety radio
Intervals and scope
MARPOL 1973-78: surveys based on the various chapters
- Other surveys related to statutory work
Course Pre-requisites
Course Duration
5 days.